St. Paul's Collegiate
9 Feb 2017 2 Respondents
Vanessa Peutherer
VX Community
Boss (11803 XP)
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Safeguarding Scenario - Community - To tell or not to tell ? - VALUES SNAPSHOT

Safeguarding Scenario - Community - To tell or not to tell ? - VALUES SNAPSHOT

You are community health professional.

You are visiting Bob, who is considered to be close to end of life. He suffers with Multiple Sclerosis. The family are very attentive to Bob and are very keen to ensure that he does not suffer with pain in his final days or weeks of his illness.

During your visit, the daughter, Ann, confides in you that she has been giving Bob Cannabis oil orally , for the last few weeks, which she believes helps him with the pain he gets from his muscle spasms, and it is claimed that this oil also helps Bob to sleep. She doesn't confide as to where she has got this medication from. Bob is on multiple medications for his Multiple Sclerosis symptoms and signs, and at present he seems settled and relaxed.

It is proposed that In the interests of safeguarding you report to your manager that Bob's daughter is giving him Cannabis Oil, without a prescription.

Monday 02, Oct 2017, 09:35

It is proposed that In the interests of safeguarding you report to your manager that Bob's daughter is giving him Cannabis Oil, without a prescription.

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